Less Lean, More Clean

Big Thoughts on Little Subjects

I’ve gotten back to house cleaning again
And the question comes to mind: Why go to a gym?
When I run the vacuum I really perspire
And I don’t have to wear funny duds and attire.

I bend down to pick up a crumb or a fuzz
When I have to admit hives my head a little buzz
But I think as I reach down to the floor
My legs and waistline are being restored.

However when I step on the scale the pounds to measure
I am flummoxed and find no pleasure
For in moving thru the house, up and down the stairs
I have not lost any weight: it’s really not very fair.

Yet the moral to this story is not one of futility
But one of eating less and keeping up activity
The scales may say I’m not any leaner
But I must admit the house is a tad cleaner.