83 Day to Go

As much as I like cat-sitting, I have to admit that we sleep better when there’s no cat in the house.  We slept IN until all of 6:30!


We had a nice family reunion yesterday.  Katy & Melanie are back from their Florida trip, all happy and refreshed.  Melanie’s cold is still nagging at her but she’s a lot better than she was the night before we left.  Somehow she failed to see any humor in my comment that untreated her cold would last 14 days, and treated the cold would last 2 weeks.  What’s the matter with these young people nowadays…. they ‘ain got no sense of humor!


You’ll find another poem online now.  Peggy wrote one about Vendella (the kids’ cat).  She’s been trying to write one for Michael (our son in law) but that poem seems to keep getting sidetracked by other things.  I think the problem is a lot about Nana not knowing what to rhyme with the automotive and furniture terms Michael uses.  His interests are sort of out of her wheelhouse.

Today’s chores

For me it’s a day of catchup.  I spent much of a couple days working on taxes and medicare stuff so there are things I’d planned for this week and today is a nice quiet day to get around to those chores.

We still have not heard anything about the R/E deal, or the inspection contingency.  As mentioned before, perhaps they will not actually do the inspection. We’ll see; just so there are no snags.

We’ve been kinda talking through the next few weeks and I think that this period of time coming up may be the most difficult yet.  Once we get past the inspection contingency we are having people in to do an estate sale.  We need to make final decisions on what we are keeping, what is going with us in Journey, and what gets put into storage  with Katy and Michael (not much).  We aren’t having any problem with the making of decisions; it’s just something that needs doing — and some hard choices.

It might be easier if we actually had a mental concept of how much stuff will fit into Journey!  We really don’t have any concept of how much will fit, what we might regret saving, or what we might wish we had saved.  It’ll all work out, and I’m sure it will work out without a lot of fuss — it just needs doing.

I’m sure the next few weeks will see quite a few trips over to the storage yard where Journey is waiting for us — glad it’s only a couple miles down the road.

And, if I get testy or discouraged, all I’ll have to do is think about all the wonderful sites we’ll be seeing soon enough…..

Like this one from the World Birding Center @ Padre Island



Bella Vendella

Vendella, Vendella, Vendella,
You are a pretty cat, Oh la la la
You sit in front of the mirror to preen
You have the aura of a feline queen.

Yet you patrol the perimeter with such diligence
And jump to great heights with sheer elegance
We should reward you when you come to stay
Because bugs and cobwebs are your prey.

You cuddle by our feet at night to keep warm
Or to the curvature of our leg your suppleness conforms
You only get “close” when you so deem
But when you don’t want to, you show your dis-esteem.

One of the cutest things you do
Is cover your eyes with a paw while you snooze
You come and go so silently it’s magic
and when you take off at top speed it’s electric.

It’s been a while since you stayed with us
You’ve matured and yet still are so humorous
We are not sure when you’ll visit again
‘Cuz soon we’ll be on the road RV’in.

30 Funny Travel Quotes

I think it was Mark Twain who said “Travel is broadening”, and he didn’t mean broadening the waistline.  Travel is a funny thing.  Some people love it (many for widely divergent reasons); others hate it.  Some hate travel but love being in new places; others love the process of travel.

I’m one of those who love the process.  From the planning, to the physical preparations, to the hopping behind the wheel, to the getting settled in a new and exciting place: new because it’s not where I normally spend time, and exciting because it’s…. well…. just what lies in front of me for the next hour or day or week or month…. it’s what’s next in my life.

Any subject as prone to differing opinions is prone also to humor.  Enjoy these quotes, quips and jokes about travel……

1. “When you come to a fork in the road….take it” – Yogi Berra

2. “Kilometers are shorter than miles. Save gas, take your next trip in kilometers.” – George Carlin

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