81 more – and news on the inspection front

Late last evening we finally heard the schedule for the home inspection!  This Wednesday at 1:00.  And the buyer has made their escrow deposit.  Things are moving forward even if we can’t see anything happening! We are praying that nothing unexpected arises to snag the deal but we have done what we can do to make it happen.

Yesterday our “kids” were over to make a final selection of things they wanted to keep before the estate sale.  If nothing untoward happens with the inspection then Triko will start work on the estate sale this weekend.

We were sitting up in bed watching TV last night and it dawned on us that after the estate sale we may be sitting in bed a lot – if all the furniture is sold that old mattress will be one of the few things remaining in the house for the intervening eight weeks.  I’m sure we’ll try to get out of the house for a bit, but we’ll be living with the  Journey version of our “Stuff” (Thank you George Carlin) for a full two months if we stay on plan.


Yesterday was a good day to take a different walk than normal.  It was chilly at the lakefront, so we came inland to the Riverwalk for a change.  The route is a bit discombobulated; the city is rebuilding the Wisconsin Avenue lift bridge, but it was a nice walk as long as you stayed out of the wind.  It must be the end of March because the winds have been blowing pretty briskly.

It was a nice quiet Sunday morning, and this week I didn’t get bitten by a dog!  Any day you don’t get bitten by a dog is a good day.  It’s been two weeks now and the scabs are almost gone from the mostly-abrasions from that odd morning!

I have a few images to work on from this walk.  I’ll put a couple of them up when I’ve had time to work on them.

While walking we stopped off at Milwaukee Public Market for a quick potty stop ( I know — too much information ) and while there I discovered that Rupena’s has moved out of the market.  I wonder how long ago that happened?  When we lived in West Allis the original Rupena’s was just a couple blocks from us and we frequented them from time to time.  I know they are big in catering, but I don’ t know how this economy has been treating them.

What we did not do was buy cheese.  My favorite cheese monger has a stand at Milwaukee Public Market: West Allis Cheese Mart.  It was they who introduced me to the Sartori Dolcina, an absolutely scrummy gorgonzola that is miles ahead of Roquefort and any other blue I’ve ever tried.  Try it yourself!