A Star Wars Wedding

Our longtime friend, Debbie, invited us to her son’s wedding.  I’m not sure what to expect.  We’ve been told that the theme is Star Wars.  Supposedly, Chewbacka is performing the service and I have no idea what to wear to the wedding!

I’m not going to post a lot of photos from their wedding.  That’s not my place, but suffice it to say that a little bit of whimsy is a good thing and what matters most is that these two dear hearts make a wonderful life together!

It’s amazing how various people enter your life and stay there.  Peg & Debbie used to work together in the same department at Aurora Health Care.  For a while she lived in the same apartment building with us.  We’ve helped her move houses. We’ve shared laughter together and tears. Now that she moved back to Milwaukee after living in Illinois for 5 or 6 years it’s good to see her so happy and what better way of celebrating her joy than to laugh along with her at her son’s wedding!14492467_10101362344856984_4313184357716373484_n

It seems that right now weddings are a ‘thing’ in our life.  We’re hearing about this wedding and of course there is the planning for our grand-daughter’s wedding next April.  Peg & I had a very small wedding.  I think we were about 38 souls strong at our house wedding and small reception in Northern Illinois.  Almost 48 years later we’re still finding our way together through life.  I hope that some of these young ones that we see are able to achieve the same longevity.  I’ve heard it said that typically the larger the wedding the less certainty of longevity in the marriage.  I have no idea if that’s a real statistical thing or not but I admit it’s something I think about.  The important thing is that the right two people are committed to making a life together;  the wedding is a flash in the pan — a moment in the lifetime of a marriage.  Unfortunately there can be hard feelings originated during wedding planning that never heal.  Or the wedding can serve as a means to build a stronger coupling between two like-minded hearts.  Which happens is entirely up to the couple — parents, grandparents, friends and co-workers have nothing to do with that.  Even when they meddle in the couple’s life together — it’s only the couple themselves that allow outsiders to influence them.  What happens is never the fault of the outsiders; it’s always up to the couple to make or break their own life together.  I’m rooting for this couple, and of course I’m rooting for our grand-daughter.  But the fact of the matter is that it’s their life and they have to make it work — however it’s going to work!

Thanks  for stopping by, and why not stop in tomorrow and see what’s cookin’ !