Devils Millhopper State Geological Site

Devils Millhopper State Geological SiteA few days ago a friend and fellow full time RV’er Bob Flanigan suggested a place for us to check out.  He and Janice volunteered in Ocala last winter and they had a good time at Devils Millhopper Geological State Park.

This is the state’s only ‘geological’ site.  With 64 acres and only a 1/2 mile trail as well as a set of stairs descending to a sinkhole some 120 feet deep it’s an easy visit, and a short time passer.

The sinkhole — which really is the big deal about this site — is about 500 feet A grain ‘hopper’ in a grist millwide and small streams trickle down to a pond at the bottom of the limestone formation. From there the water that seeps down disappears into the earth.  This site has been known and visited since about 1880.  The name is derived from its funnel-like shape which resembles a ‘hopper’ like those used to funnel grain onto a millstone in a water powered gristmill.

As a small park I was surprised at how many visitors it had mid-morning on a Friday!  There isn’t much here to do other than walk the trail and climb the stairs.  It’s clearly a site used by athletic minded folks — with a descent of 232 steps we saw several folks doing multiple circuits of the 120 foot descent.  As for us — we were fully satisfied just doing it once!

Just one of many ferns.


Thanks for stopping by, and we can talk again tomorrow at this time.