2 Days to Go

number2Da Boss never showed today.  We expected to have lunch with her today, but that never happened.  But that meant we didn’t have to be in the office for the same length of time — which was good — it was hard going out to say good-bye’s to 1/2 our crew.

The staff meeting is at 8:30 and usually lasts 1 hour.  I gave my report, several people tole me I did a good job.  I learned a few things about the forest service — I don’t like meetings in general but because I know so little about the USFS I always learn interesting things about their mission.  This month my takeaway was about a reclamation project they are doing in the Tahkenitch area involving REPLANTING 35 year old TREES.  I can’t imagine moving 150 trees that have been in the ground for 35 years!

I got my last paperwork turned in, so volunteers will get their reimbursements.  We swapped a couple bits of uniform with other volunteers — someone wanted my vest, someone else wanted my sized shirts — so even though our uniform order never got ordered I did my bit to see that volunteers were properly kitted out.

One more day.  I’m looking forward to tomorrow more than I had been anticipating today.  We say goodbye the the South End volunteers tomorrow and I have a different relationship with them for some odd reason.

Almost done.  Can’t wait.

Thanks for stopping by, and I’ll talk with you tomorrow.