Trying to stay off the WordPress Spam list

I have finally found out why some of my posts fail to show up on my readers’ WordPress Reader accounts.  I have unintentionally been guilty of TAG-Spamming.

Silly me…. I didn’t even know there WAS such a thing.  But, there is apparently a limit of 15 tags or categories after which WordPress Reader will suspected you of using tags to raise your statistics and will withhold that post from WordPress Reader. All I want is to be able to find my own posts when I’m looking for them. I’m sorry if some of you have been missing posts — I’ll try to do better in the future.

This is actually the first time I’ve gotten good information on a forum So, I guess I better change my ways and reform. to post or not to post   Now let’s see whether watching my tags makes any difference.

Thanks for stopping by

Settled in South Sandusky

A cloudy dreary day — good for driving!

We got an earlier start on Thursday than we expected.  With bouts of significant rain in the forecast all day,  we wanted not to have to hook and unhook our tow in the rain — so at the first significant lull we got moving and had time between rain drops to dump, refill with water and hit the road for Rend Lake.  We are getting better about that dump/fill routine!

2014100914453909The route was only about 120 miles and we poked along at 50 mph.  At that speed our fuel mileage for the entire trip was 8.6.  I’ll take that!  That’s one of the nice features of Silverleaf; it alone is not worth the cost but knowing your actual mileage does make planning fuel stops easier.  I can now consult my “recent mileage” and by checking with I can plan on the cheapest fuel stops along my route — and skip states where fuel is altogether too expensive.

There are at least 4 Corps campgrounds plus a state campground and resort and several private campgrounds in the area.  We are at South Sandusky and it’s a lovely site.  There aren’t a lot of campers here at the moment — by the reservation tags I can see we’ll have a reasonable number of neighbors over the weekend but there are only a couple more weekends before this place closes for the season.

Our site
Our site

We’re the last campsite on a dead end road.  About 50 feet from the front of the coach is the lake and at mid afternoon we could see about 40 American Pelicans.  There are deer here too — we’ve seen them crossing in front of us, and just standing along the road watching the traffic go by.

There doesn’t appear to be ANY site here with a decent South view — so we and everyone else are without satellite TV — but hey, we get all of 5 TV stations – 3 of which are Public TV.  So, I guess we’ll learn a lot on Create TV! 🙂

My outdoor projects may have to wait until we get further South — there is rain in the forecast for the next 6 days.  After not getting around to reading a book for almost a year I have now finished 4 and I suspect I’ll have time for a couple more.  Feels good to have the TIME to enjoy reading; I missed that while we were volunteering.

Thanks for stopping by, and I’ll talk with you tomorrow.