part number 122998

Oops #3 and life goes on. This little could have been SUCH a nightmare, but in the end it worked out perfectly!

The saga of “The Moves of 2024” continues with missing pieces. Our helpers for our April house move did a wonderful job, but one job I wanted to do myself never got done before they arrived and they had to disassemble our bed for us.

In the intervening nearly 2 months we have been sleeping on a bed & mattress that were here when we moved in. We weren’t exactly comfortable but it saved messing around with assembling the other bed.

Except we weren’t happy and weren’t sleeping well. So I eventually decided to disassemble the bed that had been here and put our sleep number bed together.

We love our IKEA Malm bed

The old one came apart fine. Once we started assembly we realized that our helpers had put the spare parts for the bed all in one plastic bag — almost. There were 2 missing pieces.

The missing pieces hold the sides to the head & foot of the bed. You can’t assemble ANYTHING without 4 of them and we had 2!

We only live 7 miles from the local branch so pop into the car and find out if they have available replacements. I looked up the assembly manual online and found the part number. After a short wait in line a wonderful & cheery Elena greeted us and after a skeptical look, but armed with an actual customer provided part number she went traipsing off to the hinterland.

A few minutes later she returned with a big smile and the required 2 pieces….. which cost me all of ….. NOTHING! Free! gratis! Holy smokes. Free replacement parts for an 11 year old purchase!

Needless to say I love IKEA. They don’t make heritage furniture— but if you use their stuff as intended you get value for money and then some.

Tonight I sleep in my own bed!

4 thoughts on “part number 122998

  1. Yah for IKEA! Wish we lived that close to one. We have a number of IKEA furniture pieces, and could put them together pretty quickly. Yes, we did have to take advantage of their free replacement parts several times, mainly because of our errors. So glad you are back on your comfy bed now!


    1. WE no only use IKEA for necessary things, but during the winter at least once a week we just go there for a leisurely stroll and free cuppa, and maybe a treat from the cafe.

      I tried early on to assemble one of their pieces without paying attention to the instruction, but quickly learned that’s really stupid. Now I put them together with the instructions in hand!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. We lived for a few years in a motorhome touring the USA. In preparation for that move, we sold all our furniture. When we moved back we bought all new furniture from IKEA and had it delivered. Easiest move we ever made. Well, except it took two days to assemble it all. 🙂

    Linda Sand


    1. Similar. WE had a deal on our house before we went RV’ing, but after the summer and the agreed upon delay in the purchase the buyer couldn’t get something sorted and the deal fell through. We had sold everything and moved into the RV 4 months before, so we went to IKEA and bought enough furniture to stage the house again for sale. And lived that way for a few months.


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