A Thousand Different Worlds

It’s hard to look beyond one’s own consciousness. Then again, from experience I know there are a great many people who aren’t even SELF-aware — much less aware of what’s beyond their little world.

We all experience the world through our own consciousness. No one knows how someone else sees the world. WE all have our own unique experiences — even twins who are born moments apart see the world the a time lag that may affect them both very similarly and yet differently if only by the duration of a few minutes or hours.

It’s no wonder there are so many opinions on how the world should be run. Or how to fix a flat tire. Or what’s the best way to use wheat flour. Having a good day or a bad day can change how we greet even the most precious people in our lives, and when it comes to those who might be the bane of our existence — we can turn into raving lunatics if the circumstances are right. We are all different, unique, unparalleled.

In a world that seems increasingly polarized it really helps if we realize that other people come to the same problems we face from very different perspectives. In the same way that one graphic can look both like a 6 and a 9, so also world hunger, and global heating, and space exploration can look like very different problems.

IF we want to survive as a species somehow we have to find a way of reversing the polarization and find a path towards greater understanding and compromise. I know no one wants to talk about compromise anymore but in a world where a few people hold the power to turn this planet into a lifeless crisp we really do need to do better than we have been doing the last 10 years.

I guess that’s it for me for today. Take care of yourself and I’ll talk with you tomorrow.