in small letters

I find that C.S. Lewis has an apt way of making BIG statements with few words. I wish I could be as brief and to the point as he.

I see miracles every day. I don’t think I’m all that observant — most of the miracles I see are pretty common — but are none the less miracles for their abundance.

This is an extremely well designed universe. There are laws that rule everything important. The sun never gets too close to earth, gravity never fails, there are valves and processes in our body that are used once in our lifetime — at birth and then never again even though the mechanism remains in place. We perceive and interact with the universe and never once has everything just up and changed on us.

Plants and flowers are basically the same from year to year — allowing minor changes here and there. Some animals are domesticated and others are wild — they stay that way for century after century and we can rely upon them not turning into man-killers overnight or destroying our village. A million things every day happen around us and if we pay attention we will realize how intricate is the design built into this world we live in.

I have never worried about proselytizing believers into my way of thinking. I believe in God. I believe in Jesus. I live my life as best I can following the things Jesus said, and those whose writing we call Holy Writ. God deals with whomever God wants and that’s prerogative. I don’t have to worry that I’ve done something right or wrong. The miracles I see daily assure me that all is right with the universe even if I don’t understand how the death and destruction humans bring upon other humans can be in the divine plan — because of course those things are of HUMAN doing, not divine. We can blame God for the evil in the world, but we humans are the ones practicing it. And we would be equally upset, I’m sure, if God vented rage and destroyed evil doers. I guess there’s just no pleasing humans. We want our cake and want to eat it too. We want righteousness, just as long as we ourselves are free to practice unrighteousness when it pleases us and to be unjust when we choose.

All we need do is look around us. It’s a great big world filled with an infinite number of miracles everyday. Too bad we don’t pay attention.

I hope you’re well today, on a Memorial Day Weekend. I’m with family. I hope you are too. Talk to you tomorrow.

3 thoughts on “in small letters

  1. I look at our world and can’t understand how anyone could fail to believe in the Creator.

    Linda Sand


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