transitions from paper

All my life I’ve tried to stay current with trends and new developments. For a long time I prided myself on being able to cope with “all” the advancements in computerization. (Which really means, only those ones that affected me in some way – I have been perfectly happy ignoring a lot of other changes). However…

When you’ve lived your life with paper, adjusting to this paperless world is a very unnerving situation.

I have been just fine with paperless billing. I’ve been fine with paperless medical records. I don’t need receipts for most purchases — my taxes are simple and I see everything on my credit card bill anyway. Oh, sure…. I always get receipts at Home Depot because who knows when you’re going to want to return something and receipt in hand is always the easiest way even if they are crediting back to your credit card.


The companion of a paperless society has become there person-less business. Employees are too expensive so companies are using more and more AI interactions to handle customer problems/complaints. Which means you can’t actually get to a human being to ask an unusual question or to handle an unusual situation. And chat bots take a ridiculous amount of MY time to figure out what I’m saying because my mind is wired differently than their programming. I have found that there are some problems the chat bots and AI phone systems simply don’t have solutions for.

Short of cancelling an account and then opening a new account with another company by means of a personal interaction there are some situations that seem unable to solve.

At 75 I’m too young to turn over some problems to our family. I refuse to be beaten by a machine. But then again, I know how frustrated and irritated I get when I can’t get something “fixed.” I’m sure it’s not good for my heart — but then I’m on enough meds that maybe that isn’t a problem. I don’t know.

I do find that I am consciously trying to simplify my interactions wherever and whenever I can. I don’t want to “join them.” I can’t “beat them.” Maybe I can simply “IGNORE them.” I’ll let you know.

I guess that’s my rant for the day. Talk to you tomorrow, and keep safe.