no mow May

a lot of folks have heard about, and implemented no-mow May. I’m sure you realize that no-mow May aims at giving the natural world a chance to establish in the new Spring season before we humans destroy both habitat & food sources for those insects and critters that populate our lawns and gardens.

No-mow isn’t smoked upon in many urban areas. Milwaukee, for example has laws and a fine structure designed to enforce “reasonable” lawn maintenance standards. And if your neighbors call and complain about the lack of mowing at your address, if it reaches the “come out and inspect “ stage you face a $150 fine or a bill from a city approved lawn maintenance service to correct your deficiency.

Here there IS a system for registering your intent not to mow— avoiding problems as long as you register BEFORE a neighbor files a complaint. And even registered lawns must be mowed by June 3.

It’s a challenge to meet conflicting interests— specially in urban, densely populated neighborhoods. Somehow it seems counterintuitive that people who are actually doing something to promote a healthier planet risk punishment for their actions whilst those monoculture obsessive lawn freaks can easily discourage well intentioned efforts to improve our survival.

it’s an upside down world.

I hope you’re doing well. Keep safe & we can talk again tomorrow.