nothing other people do is because of you

I wish there were a way to teach this lesson. So much of life it seems is about other people being cowed into behaving in ways that they think will make other people like who they are. We get our egos in an uproar and we react when other people do things because we think that someone else’s actions are the result of something they themselves have done. What a fallacy, what a ego trip, what a waste.

WE all live in our own worlds. No one else is really aware of what causes us to act, or why we think the way we do, or perhaps why we do nothing. All these things arise from our own thoughts, the results of our individual experiences, education, training, fears, beliefs, etc..

And of course there are also the parents who think they know better than their children, who insist that the children live the life that the parent envisions for them whether or not that life has any meaning for the child. This too is not about YOU. It is about a parent’s disappointments, about their ego, about their love — yes — but misplaced due to their own over estimation of their own wisdom and right to control a child’s life.

Wake up people. Stop looking at everyone else and worrying about what they think,

I hope you’re well today. Stay safe and I’ll talk with you again tomorrow.