
I’m not making very many photos lately. I’ve pretty much left my cameras in their cases. But that hasn’t changed the way I see the world. The Impressionists, with Claude Monet among them were all about LIGHT. And I think it really wise to consider that light is indeed the most important person in any photo, painting, composition.
I hesitate to call it a “thing” instead of a person because that already reduces its importance; we do all regard people as more important than things.

Metaphorically there’s another way to look at this. In life, wisdom/understanding/insight are often the most important person in any situation. Too often people go through life without see the things that really matter. They are ‘heads down” concentrating on their daily existence and don’t look beyond the obvious to see the meaning of what’s going on around them. It’s why people stay in harmful relationships, harmful employment, futile endeavors they are ill equipped to handle and manipulations that surround them.