How is that OK?

With apologies for not posting an Independence Day blogā€¦

I donā€™t spend time on the apps in general, but when I do take a peek on there, Iā€™m astonished at what is considered appropriate behavior. Our children and grandchildren are in trouble.

I realize I am of an older generation, but we were taught to always be polite. If youā€™re not interested, say ā€œno thank youā€. Be honest, but be polite. I see people saying ā€œIf Iā€™m not interested, Iā€™ll just block youā€, or some short comeback like ā€œnopeā€.

How is this okay? Seems rude to me. 

I donā€™t get how this is acceptable behavior. I know saying this makes me seem old (I am, but Iā€™m not dead). I donā€™t see good things for society if people are just ā€œblockedā€ or impolitely dismissed based on a few pics and a message. I would have been smacked upside the head for treating people that way. No wonder our current state of politics is acceptable to so many.

I know this isnā€™t the worst thing in the world, but geez, itā€™s a sign of the increasing crassness of people today. Just have a little class boys. Say hello, and say no thanks if you arenā€™t into it. Youā€™ll find you will get much farther in life if you just have some decorum. 

I get it. Online behavior is generally bad because the anonymity gives people freedom to be rude. Folks feel free to be asses because thereā€™s zero accountability. But that behavior shouldnā€™t be okay and I canā€™t see how it wonā€™t somehow blend into real life. Just my two cents. 

THANK YOU for listening to my rant.